Well, I finally bit the $2500 bullet and upgraded to a new, full-frame sensor camera: a Nikon D700. That means the photographs are much more sharp, much less noisy, much more versatile, and the image files are waaaay better quality. I can not put into words how excited I am! Took it out of the box and started playing around – in the limited time I had all I could do was walk around the house and try to make things look interesting. I am absolutely in love with the sharpness and crispness of these pictures. Of course I played with the colors and contrast in post-production, but really had very little to do. All of these were shot with a 24mm lens, which on a full frame camera is actually 24mm – much wider than I am used to!
Sigh…I am in love!! Can’t wait to start working with it and see how this changes my wedding, event, food and editorial photography. Stay tuned for more!