During spring cleaning time, you’re probably busy with projects around the house from cleaning out the garage to storing your winter clothes for the summer. But what are you doing about your business’s website? When was the last time you gave it a fresh look, added new content, or put up interesting photos? Even if you aren’t planning a complete overhaul of your website – like I am! – it’s time to go through, sweep out the cobwebs, and make sure that the content is up to date.
And yes, I am biased when I say that great photos are KEY to a great website! Remember that we live in an age where photos and videos are king, so while you don’t want to overcrowd your site with unnecessary images and cumbersome Flash galleries, be sure you have plenty of nice photos to attract new clients.
If you don’t have them already, considering adding these 5 kinds of photos to your website:
2. High quality shots of your products. This is pretty intuitive if your business is a retail store, a restaurant, or if you sell an otherwise well defined product. We know that clients like to see what they will be buying. But poor photos taken in bad lighting with an old iPhone won’t do the trick. Investing in high-quality product photography tells your customers that you care about your image, you care about your products, and that you pay attention to details.
3. Photos of your products in action. Particularly if your “product” is a service like dog-walking, legal advice, or consulting. Even though you don’t sell an object, you still need well made photos to help illustrate what you sell. A picture of you or your staff in action, a photo of the tools you use to get the job done, or a photo of the space in which you work may help illustrate your product. Again, we are a visual culture and prospective clients look for photos that say something about you and your business. I like these photos I took of my friend Carolyn Kraut for her business Hands of Time Concierge Services. Doesn’t she look busy and efficient?

4. Headshots of your staff; particularly those with whom your customers interact.
Especially for small businesses that cater to local clients, including photos of your staff on your website helps make your business feel human, approachable, and likeable. And once again, no Facebook profile pictures here. Show your clients that you care about quality and make sure the photos are presentable, sharp, and uncluttered. I love the way that the Haley House Bakery and Cafe in Boston displays their staff headshots. They look like a diverse, fun, and interesting group of people – exactly the image that Haley House is conveying to the world.
5. Photos of customers enjoying your products and services. When I am a prospective customer, browsing websites of restaurants, bakeries, cafes, and salons, I want to know what it feels like to be a customer. So why not include a few shots of happy people enjoying what your business has to offer? If you can afford to, stay away from stock photos here – unique photos specific to your offerings will go a long way in illustrating the satisfaction you provide your customers. For the Cambridge Brewing Company, I photographed one of their annual events to get shots of their beer, food, and ambiance. Photos like this give your customers a sense of who you are.