Happy Valentine’s Day!

posted in: Just for Fun, Uncategorized | 0

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, like it or not.  I don’t subscribe to the idea that Valentine’s Day is about flowers and chocolate and expensive wine and expensive dinners.  But I do like the idea of Valentine’s Day as one day when we take time out to recognize people who we love, including ourselves.  No one is perfect and no love is perfect, but the girl in me who loves romantic comedies thinks that it sure is nice to have a whole day about love, none the less.

I hope you get the chance to spend the day however you would like to: alone, with your sweetheart, on a date, snuggling with your dog on the couch, watching an 80s movie, or dancing in the kitchen.  Whatever you do, make it a day about love – and yes, self-love counts, too – because that is what it should really be about.  Not about expensive gifts.
V-Day is on a Friday this year, so the pressure is on to make it great.  DON’T listen to the voice in your head telling you that it has to be something other than a nice, laid back Friday to appreciate the love that you have for yourself, your cats, your kids, your mom and your partner.  Not necessarily all the time, but at least some of the time.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Leise Jones Photography_03


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